Creatives Against COVID-19
I am privileged to be a part of this campaign Creatives Against Covid-19 is a global campaign that called on the creative industry to design and donate inspiring posters of optimism, resilience, and hope. The campaign surpassed all our expectations, capturing hearts and minds across the globe. Over 1,000 posters, from over 30 countries, were designed and submitted within 7 days.
Covid-19 is the worst global crisis the world has faced since WWII threatening everyone indiscriminately, but especially vulnerable women and children. The catalyst for Creatives Against Covid-19 was reading two articles; the first from ISPCC Childline who were reporting a 30% increase in vulnerable children seeking help and advice on online. The second was an article from Women’s Aid who were deeply concerned about the safety of women and children affected by domestic abuse during this pandemic. Social isolation is far more dangerous for women and children living in the reality of abusive relationships. Trapped inside in unimaginable situations without the sanctuary of work or school or friends, we immediately knew we needed to help.” continue reading here…
Campaign originated by RichardsDee

Inspired by the fun we’re anticipating once the necessary restrictions have been lifted and we are Reunited

Peaches & Herb - Dance & Kiss
Inspired by the activities and fun we anticipate once the necessary restrictions have been lifted and we are Reunited
The subtle < 2M > distance marker indicates the space in which we have been separated by - that it too will fade to memory and our relationships, will be stronger than ever.